2 Pesničky- Say ok, Sneakernight
You are fine
You are sweet
But I'm still a bit naive with my heart
When you're close I don't breathe
I can't find the words to speak
I feel sparks
But I don't wanna be into you
If you are not looking for true love, oh oh
No I don't wanna start seeing you
If I can't be your only one
So tell me
when it's not alright
When it's not ok
Will you try to make me feel better?
Will you say alright? (say alright)
Will you say ok? (Say ok)
Will you stick with me through whatever?
Or run away (Say that it's gonna be alright. That it's gonna be ok) Say Ok.
When you call I don't know if I should pick up the phone every time
I'm not like all my friends who keep calling up the boys, I'm so shy
But I don't wanna be into you
If you don't treat me the right way
See I can only start seeing you
If you can make my heart feel safe (feel safe)
When it's not alright
When it's not ok
Will you try to make me feel better?
Will you say alright? (say alright)
Will you say ok? (Say ok)
Will you stick with me through whatever?
Or run away
(Say that it's gonna be alright. That it's gonna be ok Don't run away, don't run away)
Let me know if it's gonna be you
Boy, you've got some things to prove
Let me know that you'll keep me safe
I don't want you to run away so
Let me know that you'll call on time
Let me know that you won't be shy
Will you wipe my tears away
Will you hold me closer
When it's not alright
When it's not ok
Will you try to make me feel better
Will you say alright? (say alright)
Will you say ok? (Say ok)
Will you stick with me through whatever?
Or run away
(Say that it's gonna be alright. That it's gonna be ok)
Say OK
(Don't run away, don't run away)
(Say that it's gonna be alright. That it's gonna be ok, don't run away)
Will you say OK
(Say that it's gonna be alright. That it's gonna be ok)
Put your sneakers on, Put your sneakers on
We're goin' dancin' all night long
I got somewhere to be, I want you to come with me
See I've put my sneakers on, Cause I'm gonna keep dancin'
After they all go home
So are you ready?Did you eat? Do you have the energy?
Are you reloaded? Are you able to stay on your feet?
Don't want you passing out after a couple hours of beats...
We're keep going, And going, And going, Yeah, Cause
Basically what we're gonna do is dance [3x]
It will come easily when you hear the beat, oh
Basically what we're gonna do is dance [2x]
All you gotta do is take a chance
Yeah that's right, it's sneaker night
So now they're closing, Close it up,
Shut it down, go home now
But this far from the end, Second round, Ding,
It's about to begin
Cause I got comfortable full
Where the weather is nice
So let's take it outside
The... slam, hands clap
And the beatbox, and it's all right
Don't you even worry about other plans
Yeah, that's right it's sneaker night!
When the sun goes down, Oh we wake up
I got no sleep. Ha! No need
No compliment staying away
When the beat is like an earthquake
We're unstoppable, we're uncontrollable
Just admit it, You can't stop it, It's addictive
Put your sneakers on...Let's go all night long...
Celým menom Vanessa Anne Hudgens sa narodila 14. 12. 1988 v meste Salinas v Californii. Priatelia ju volajú Van, V, Vanney, Nessa alebo Baby V. Narodila sa v znamení strelca. Je čínsko - filipínskej (po matke) a írsko – americko - indiánskej národnosti (po otcovi). Meria iba 1,64 m. Páči sa jej červená farba, jej najobľúbenejší hudobný žáner je rock a medzi obľúbené jedlá patrí sushi a čokoláda. Z ročných období má najradšej leto. Je dobrá priateľka s Ashley Tisdale a Miley Cyrus (Hannah Montana). Rada nakupuje a pozerá horory. Je herečkou a speváčkou, no popritom stíha aj tancovať. Páči sa jej módny vkus Victorii Beckham. Jej najneobľúbenejší predmet bol dejepis. Do školy chodila iba po 7.ročník, odvtedy sa vzdelávala doma. Páči sa jej pesnička od Fergie Glamorous. Má rada Christinu Aguileru a Celine Dion. Je alergická na korenie a nemôže šepkať. Ročne zarobí priemerne 2 milióny dolárov a je na 7. priečke rebríčka najlepšie zarábajúcich hviezd. Je hrdá na svojich rodičov, pretože, ako sama vraví, ju „dobre vychovali“. Vanessina mama sa volá Gina Hudgens a otec Greg Hudgens. Okrem Vanessy majú ešte jednu dcéru, Stellu Teodoru, ktorá sa narodila 15. 11. 1995. Vanessina sestra je tiež herečka a robí modelku od svojich 4 rokov. Van nerada hovorí o svojom súkromí a nechce vyrábať škandály ako Paris Hilton alebo Lindsay Lohan. Účinkovala v divadelných hrách - Evita, Carousel, The Wizard of Oz, The King & I, The Music Man, Cinderella, Damn Yankees, Among others. Najväčší úspech zožala až vo Disneyho filme High schol musical, v roku 2006. Na konkurze zaspievala pieseň Angels od Jessicy Simpson (počúvajte TU). Konkurz vyhrala a na natáčaní filmu sa spoznala s jej terajším priateľom Zacom Efronom. Vanessa pred ľuďmi vystupovala už ako 8-ročná. Začínala reklamami. V roku 2003 dostala úlohu Noel vo filme Thirteen (Trinásť). V lete roku 2004 si zahrala Tintin vo filme Thunderbirds. Vystupovala v rôznych show a seriáloch, napr. Quintuplets, Drake & Josh alebo The Suite Life of Zack and Cody. Potom dostala ponuku na nahranie vlastného CD, čo Vanessa okamžite prijala. Album vyšiel v septembri roku 2006 a má názov V. Nahrala ho v Hollywood records. Album obsahuje pop, rock a R&B. (Môžete si ho TU kúpiť). Pilotné singly k tomuto albumu sú Come back to me a Say OK. Pesničky Let Go a Let´s Dance boli použité do reklamy pre ABC a pieseň Let´s dance sa objavila v show Dancing with the stars. 17. augusta bola premiéra HSM2, ktorú si pozrelo 17 miliónov ľudí. Napriek fámam, že by Vanessa nemala hrať v High school musical 3 kvôli škandálu s jej nahými fotkami, sa tak nestalo a Vanessu v roli Gabrielly uvidíme aj v treťom pokračovaní úspešného filmu na strieborných plátnach (v kine). 1. júla 2008 jej vyšiel druhý debutový album Identified a prvým singlom tohto albumu je pieseň Sneakernight. Album obsahuje 12 trackov a 3 bonusové..